Chorafas Foundation Award 2011 - Tadi Tej

© 2011 EPFL

© 2011 EPFL

Neural Mechanisms of the Embodied Self : Merging Virtual Reality and Electrical Neuroimaging. Thesis EPFL, no 4964. Dir. : Prof. Olaf Blanke.

"Dr Tadi is an electronic engineer whose scientific work spans the fields of cognitive science, brain imaging, engineering, and virtual reality. In his work he made ground-breaking insights concerning online body processing and self-consciousness, as well as their brain mechanisms in temporo-parietal and frontal cortex."

Neural Mechanisms of The Embodied Self - Merging Virtual Reality and Electrical Neuroimaging.

What is it like to have a body? The unitary experience of the self and the body accompanied by unambiguous self-location and egocentric visuo-spatial perspective are essential aspects of the embodied self. They play a vital role for dynamic whole body human perception and interactions in our daily lives and help distinguish our body from others and the environment. In the current thesis, we used an amalgam of state of the art virtual reality techniques and methods in cognitive neuroscience in combination with electrical neuroimaging to develop novel procedures and investigate multisensory, sensorimotor, and cognitive processes involved in mental own body imagery, visuo-spatial perspective taking, the feeling of ownership and agency and their contribution to different aspects of the bodily self and bodily processing.