Call for Ideas 2013
To identify and demonstrate disruptive space innovations based on ideas and concepts
The Swiss Space Office from the State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation of the Swiss Confederation (SERI/SSO) is initiating a Call for Ideas to foster low Technology Readiness Level (typically TRL 1) research and development studies related to space activities. The objective of this Call is to identify and demonstrate disruptive space innovations based on ideas or concepts. Thanks to a short-term implementation and a relatively light administrative element, the selected studies shall focus on technical and scientific work. The SERI/SSO has entrusted the Swiss Space Center (SSC) to implement this Call for Ideas. The SSC will provide technical support to the studies as well as networking contacts with the aim to spur on innovative ideas towards products, developing niche sectors in Switzerland.
For this first Call for Ideas, the Swiss Space Center invites submissions on the following topics:
• Micro-Nano Technologies (MNT)
• Materials, Parts and Processes (MPP)
• Optics
• Pico/Nano Sat technology and components
These topics have been identified in the development plan elaborated in 2012 by the strategic committee of the Swiss Space Center, which is composed by its academic and industrial members. The topics stem from the needs expressed by the European Space Agency (ESA).
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