Call for applications Prix Acier Student Award 2024

© 2024 PASA
Award for architecture and civil engineering - The future of steel construction lies in the hands of the younger generation: it is to them that steel construction will be handed on. The Steel Student Award is intended to motivate students of architecture and civil engineering to integrate steel into their projects.
The 'Prix Acier Student Award' (PASA) is offered by the Swiss Centre for Steel Construction (SZS) in cooperation with metal.suisse. It rewards outstanding work carried out as part of bachelor's or master's studies, distinguished by its architectural quality, technical performance or efficiency in terms of the use of steel as the main construction material.
The PASA award supports the development of sustainable, forward-looking construction methods.
Award-winning projects are outstanding examples of the convincing use of steel in the load-bearing structure or as an essential part of the structure. The focus is on architectural qualities, technical performance and efficiency in the use of steel as a building material.
Prizewinners receive cash and in-kind contributions, and have the opportunity to present their work in the specialised press. Three prizes, two mentions and a People's Choice Award will be awarded.
Each submission will be rewarded with an annual subscription to the specialist journal steeldoc. The prize-winning works will be published in the print and online media of the SZS, metal.suisse and partner organisations.