C. Küpfer invited in Germany, Sweden and Italy this summer.

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Célia Küpfer, PhD research at the Structural Xploration Lab was invited for three lectures in Europe this Summer.

On July 30th, 2024, Célia was one of the two speakers invited for the sixth LIVE Event of the Stuttgarter Nachhaltigkeitsstammtisch held in this time in the offices of Knippershelbig, Stuttgart, Germany. The other guest speaker was Viktor Poteschkin, from the t-lab of Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) who talked about dismountable timber construction.

On August 23rd, 2024, Célia gave a lecture at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. She was invited by the Structural Engineering and Bridges Group, alongside Prof. Numa Bertola (Uni. of Luxemburg).

On September 9th, 2024, Célia gave an online lecture for the Advanced School of Architecture (ASA) at Politecnico Milano, Italy. The lectuer was part of a masterclass provided by the Belgian Rotor office.