BLS equips 29 trains with LESO-PB developed technology

Train BLS type RABe 525 NINA© 2016 BLS
High insulation windows made permeable to mobile communication signals thanks to research and development performed at the EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Lab are about to be installed in 29 trains of the transport company BLS.
Major success for the group of Andreas Schueler of the Solar Energy and Building Physics Lab and its partners AGC Verres Industriels and Class4Laser: convinced by tests performed recently by Swisscom and SUPSI, BLS will equip 29 regional trains of type RABe 525 NINA with insulation glass that has been treated so as to be permeable to the signals used in mobile communication.
This recently developed glass technology allows combining energy efficiency and communication, which means that the installation of expensive repeater technology in trains will no longer be necessary.
See also "Train windows that combine mobile reception and thermal insulation"