Bill Curtin elected Solid Mechanics Fellow of EUROMECH

Bill Curtin© EPFL

Bill Curtin© EPFL

Bill Curtin, head of the Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modeling (LAMMM), has been elected a Fellow in Solid Mechanics by the European Mechanics Society for his " seminal contributions in modeling of mechanical behavior of materials from quantum to continuum scales, especially for predictive models of metal plasticity and composite failure, and concurrent multiscale methods."

EUROMECH - the European Mechanics Society - engages in activities to promote the development of mechanics as a branch of science and engineering in Europe. Mechanics deals with motion, flow and deformation of matter, be it fluid or solid, under the action of applied forces, and with any associated phenomena.

The status of Fellow of EUROMECH is awarded to members of the Mechanics community who have contributed significantly to the advancement of mechanics and related fields. This may be through their original research and publications, or their innovative contributions in the application of mechanics and technological developments. There are currently 17 EUROMECH Fellows in Solid Mechanics.