Best PhD thesis award
Enrico Ajanic received the "2023 Best PhD thesis" award by the EPFL Doctoral School in Robotics
Enrico's PhD thesis proposed a new method to make winged drones more agile by taking inspiration from avian wing and tail morphing. Specifically, he elucidated important synergies of wing and tail configurations that improve maneuverability, agility, endurance, and can transition between stable and unstable flight as birds of prey do. The results were validated in two agile drones with feathered wings and tail and with size and mass comparable to the Northern Goshawk. He also developed a robotic replica of avian wings that can be customized with real bird feathers and actuated in wind tunnel to better understand the aerodynamic consequences of morphing and flapping.
The project was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the NCCR Robotics program.
Wing and tail morphing in birds and drones, E. Ajanic / D. Floreano (Dir.) Lausanne, EPFL, 2023