Baris Kasikci awarded the Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize

© 2016 EPFL

© 2016 EPFL

Baris Kasikci was awarded the Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize 2016 for his PhD thesis: “Techniques for Detection, Root Cause Diagnosis, and Classification of In-Production Concurrency Bugs”, developed in the Dependable Systems Laboratory under the direction of George Candea. This award is given on the basis of an outstanding thesis developed in IC School.

Baris’ thesis focuses on the detection and prevention of concurrency bugs, which are at the heart of software bugs. They not only slow down software development, as it is heavily time-consuming for developers to identify and fix them, but the in-depth analysis required for the in-production detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs, is highly challenging. His thesis proposes practical techniques for the detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs for in-production software.

The Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize was founded to honor the memory of Patrick Denantes, a doctoral student in Communication Systems at EPFL, who died tragically in a mountain accident on 12 July 2009.