Automation of organoids culture and assay development at the PTBET

© 2022 EPFL

© 2022 EPFL

Automation of patient-derived organoids culture, handling and assay is being explored in the PTBET platform. 

The PTBET platform is launching a new project aiming to develop new capabilities for the automation and assay of patient-derived organoids. This project aims to produce automation protocols on our automation systems, smart image algorithm for growth monitoring and innovative microfluidics approaches. It will also lead towards blueprints for the implementation of an integrated automated pipeline. This project is funded by the EPFL Platform Technical Advancement Seed Fund. Julia Tischler, PhD, has been hired for this project. She will deploy our Agilent Bravo liquid handler, BioTek Multiflow FX gentle washer-dispenser, and our robotic system for automated long-term time-lapse imaging on our Zeiss CellDiscover 7 High-Throughput High-Content Confocal imager. This infrastructure is operational and readily accessible to the community. This project paves the way towards high-throughput generation, biobanking and analysis of patient-derived organoids.