Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Day

© 2017 ASEF
01.03.2017 - Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): students step into the world of intercontinental diplomacy for a day
On 1 March, around sixty students slipped into the role of national delegates for a round of simulated Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) negotiations hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL). The Model ASEM Switzerland Spin-Off 2017 was organised to mark Asia meets Europe/Europe meets Asia Day. The event was created by the FDFA in partnership with DiploFoundation, the EPFL College of Humanities, EPFL Model United Nations (MUN) and the Asia-Europe Foundation to give young people the opportunity to experience first-hand how multilateral discussions are carried out and to make practical recommendations to ASEM members.