Archiving Intangible Cultural Heritage: Symposium & Summer School

On 6-7 August 2018, the Laboratory for Experimental Museology is organising an interdisciplinary symposium and summer school - Archiving Intangible Cultural Heritage & Performing Arts: A Symposium and Summer School for Living Traditions.

Stimulated by a growing worldwide interest in Intangible Cultural Heritage (e.g. rituals and festivals) and performance studies, the event brings together world leaders in the research, documentation, preservation and public engagement with Intangible Cultural Heritage through digital means. It intends to stimulate interest and advance discussion through more than twenty seminal speakers, all leaders in the field of performing arts and Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The aims are to:

  • explore new models for data curation of intangible cultural heritage and tools for its dissemination

  • engage with new strategies for the ‘re-enactment’ of living archives for public audiences

  • create innovative tools and opportunities for technology transfer

  • stimulate the network of digital intangible heritage practitioners across Switzerland and the world.

The event is open to anyone intersted in exploring the above topics. 

Free registration and more information is available on the website.