“Architecture Philosophy nº6 is out”

© 2023 EPFL
“The new issue is co-sponsored by the ACHT Lab.”
“The latest issue of Architecture Philosophy has just been published!
You can now discover some of the remarkable papers that arose from the 5th Biennial Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture, dedicated to the topic of Public Space - the Real and the Ideal. The Conference was co-organized by the ACTH lab at the EPFL, in collaboration with the Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design at ETH Zürich
Enjoy reading the edited keynote speeches delivered by Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Chantal Mouffe, Kenneth Frampton, Margaret Crawford, and explore a wide variety of topics addressed by our speakers Saul Fisher, Erika Brandl, Esther Lorenz, Stella Evangelidou, Margit van Schaik, and Andreea Mihalache.
The issue is available online for free.”