Appointment of EPFL professors

© 2022 EPFL
The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment and promotion of professors at EPFL, including the School of Engineering (STI). Andrea Cavallaro, who was appointed Full Professor in STI, will also take office as director of Idiap on March 1, 2023.

Professor Andrea Cavallaro, currently Full Professor at Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, as Full Professor of Electrical Engineering in the School of Engineering (STI) and Director of the Idiap Research Institute.
Andrea Cavallaro works on machine learning for multi-modal perception and modelling, computer vision, audio processing and information privacy. He is an internationally recognized expert in signal processing, perception, and machine learning. The appointment of Andrea Cavallaro will strengthen the research and teaching activities done at EPFL on these strategic topics, boost the academic links between EPFL and Idiap and contribute to maintaining and reinforcing the leading role of those two institutions in data science and machine learning.

Dr Michael Herbst, currently Postdoctoral Researcher at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics and of Materials Science and Engineering, in the Schools of Basic Sciences (SB) and Engineering (STI) respectively.
Michael Herbst works on the theory and modelling of the electronic structure of materials, at the interdisciplinary boundary of mathematics,computational materials science, and computer science. He develops efficient and reliable algorithms for the high-throughput screening of calculations for materials, a field in which he has already obtained significant results. The aim of the joint professorship at the two Schools is to develop a future-oriented research programme for both disciplines. Michael Herbst will have an important role to act as a bridge between the Institutes of Mathematics and Materials.

Professor Li Tang, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Bioengineering in the School of Engineering (STI)
Li Tang conducts research in biomaterials and immunology, with a special focus on cancer research. He uses a multidisciplinary approach and attempts to combine metabolic, mechanical and chemical methods in order to drive forward the fight against cancer. Thanks to his creative research approach, he is regarded as a leading international expert on immunoengineering for the treatment of certain types of tumour. He has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2018. Li Tang’s research activities and clinical collaborations, as well as his high-quality teaching, represent a key contribution to EPFL.
Welcome @EPFL_en to our new professors @camille_goemans, Fides Zenk, @sebastianw, Michael Herbst, @GuizarSicairos, Laura Grigori and @smartcameras just appointed by @ETH_Rat. Diversity in scientific background, gender, origine: looking forward to learning new things from you!
— Martin Vetterli (@MartinVetterli) December 8, 2022