Appointment of EPFL professors

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of four professors at EPFL.

Dr Juhan Aru was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Juhan Aru is one of the world’s most promising scientists of his generation in the field of probability theory. He also has the potential to develop the seminal field of stochastic analysis at EPFL. In his research, he concentrates in particular on Gaussian free fields and the Schramm-Loewner evolution, a single-parameter family of random planar curves. Juhan Aru also has excellent teaching abilities. His research and teaching will enhance the EPFL’s reputation in key subject areas.
Professor Matthias Lütolf was named as Full Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences (SV)
Matthias Lütolf is a globally recognised expert on biomaterials and stem cell research. He is particularly interested in controlling the differentiation of these cells – a crucial precondition for tissue regeneration and cell therapy. His research combines biological knowledge with engineering techniques in a way that has enabled him to make notable steps forward. He has, for example, succeeded in creating in vitro cell groups of unprecedented complexity which resemble the cell organisation of a natural organ. Matthias Lütolf’s promotion to a full professorship will strengthen EPFL’s international reputation in a vital growth area.
Kevin Sivula was named as Associate Professor of Chemical Process Engineering in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Kevin Sivula’s research focuses on the development of engineering methods based on chemical solution-based processes in order to manufacture semiconductor materials for optoelectronic high-performance systems. His particular aim is to develop new technologies for the manufacturing of more stable, more efficient and more cost-efficient semiconductor materials for the fabrication of photovoltaic devices. Kevin Sivula, who received an ERC Starting Grant in 2013, is a very active researcher who will help boost the international standing of EPFL, especially in the field of sustainable development.
Ola Svensson was named as Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Scholl of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
Ola Svensson works on solving fundamental theoretical problems in the computer sciences. He is considered to be a rising star, and has developed into one of the intellectual leaders in his subject over the past few years. His work was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2014, among other accolades. Specifically, he works on algorithms with the potential to remove blocks caused by mathematical problems previously regarded as insoluble, thus making efficiency improvements possible. Ola Svensson's expertise and results will enable progress to be made in a great variety of research fields at EPFL.