Appointment of EPFL professors

© 2024 EPFL
The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of professors at EPFL.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Karim Achouri, currently Scientist at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Electrical and Micro Engineering in the School of Engineering (STI)
Karim Achouri's research activities focus on the mathematical synthesis and practical realisation of electromagnetic meta-surfaces and their applications. His work covers a wide range of topics, including birefringence, bianisotropy, non-reciprocity and non-linearity, with concepts applying to both microwave and optical regimes. In 2021, he received an SNSF Ambizione Fellowship, followed, in 2023, by an SNSF Starting Grant.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Sara Gallini, currently Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences (SV)
Sara Gallini’s research focuses on imaging individual cells in living tissue. This intravital, long-term imaging approach to cancer cell behavior is novel and complementary to those currently employed in EPFL and indeed in the Lemanic area. She combines this imaging with single-cell genomics to characterize individual cells in cancerous tissue. Her novel in vivo approach is an ideal complement to the methods currently applied at EPFL. At the same time, the field of single-cell genomics, which is strongly represented in the School, provides the perfect scientific environment for her research project.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Konstantinos Karapiperis, currently Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Konstantinos Karapiperis uses data-based methods for his work on multiscale modelling of materials, with a particular focus on granular materials and geomaterials. He is acknowledged as promising researcher in the field of geomechanics. This appointment will strengthen and complement geotechnical engineering at EPFL, particularly in the areas of climate change and digitalisation. His expertise will also enable the creation of synergies and partnerships with the disciplines of materials science and structural engineering.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Mirko Musa, currently Postdoctoral Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Mirko Musa’s research ranges from the physical modelling of water flows and the planning and monitoring of water infrastructure to sediment transport processes. His work is relevant to the maintenance and development of hydraulic structures such as dams or renewable energy infrastructures. Through this appointment, the ENAC is expanding and strengthening the areas of energy, sustainability and climate change impact. Mirko Musa’s research will also facilitate cooperations with EPFL Valais Wallis.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Andrei Negut, currently Associate Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, as Associate Professor of Mathematics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Andrei Negut’s research is in the field of geometric representation theory, with applications in mathematical physics, combinatorics, knot theory and algebraic geometry. He is regarded as a leading researcher in his field, has an impressive list of publications to his name, and has received numerous prizes. His appointment will complement and expand EPFL’s existing expertise in this area, and he will play a decisive role in developing the Institute of Mathematics within the School of Basic Sciences.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Emma Tolley, currently Scientist at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Emma Tolley conducts research in the field of astrophysics, with particular reference to radio astronomy. She leverages high-performance computing (HPC) and data science for the efficient, automated computation and analysis of Big Data produced by scientific infrastructures such as the Square Kilometre Array Observatory radio telescope. In 2023, the Swiss National Science Foundation awarded her an SNSF Starting Grant for her Deep Waves research project. Her previous experience includes working on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. This appointment will strengthen astrophysics at EPFL.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Lijing Xin, currently Scientist at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Lijing Xin’s research involves developing cutting-edge magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques in order to obtain a better understanding of brain function and the pathophysiology of neurological diseases. She was awarded an SNSF Consolidator Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation for her research in 2022. Her interdisciplinary approach to developing a new neuroimaging method that targets molecular aspects of brain networks is a good fit with the research undertaken at the Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) and the Institute of Physics. She will make a key contribution to research and teaching in the field of magnetic resonance tomography.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Eunok Yim, currently Lead Engineer at General Electric Renewable Energy – Hydropower in Birr, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering (STI)
Eunok Yim is an expert in computational and theoretical fluid mechanics. Her research focuses on the analysis of fluid instabilities, turbulence, thermal coupling, and efficiency of hydraulic machines, such as turbines and generators. She pioneered a new class of theoretical models for the analysis and control of fluid instabilities. Her expertise will strengthen and extend the visibility of EPFL activities in the field of hydropower and create new interactions with industrial players.
Promotions at EPFL
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Giuseppe Carleo, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Giuseppe Carleo works in the field of quantum many-particle physics, using neural networks to gain a better understanding of quantum systems. He has a particular interest in the development of new computer-aided approaches for investigating the many-body problem in quantum physics. He is acknowledged as a leading researcher in this field and his work has already had a major impact in a number of different areas, such as quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics, nuclear astrophysics and quantum computing. In 2022 he was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research.
© 2024 EPFL
Guillaume Obozinski, currently Chief Data Scientist and EPFL Deputy Executive Director of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), has been appointed Full Professor at EPFL
As Chief Data Scientist and Deputy Executive Director of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), a pioneering joint venture established in 2017 between ETH Zürich, EPFL and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Dr. Obozinski has demonstrated scientific excellence, leadership and commitment to advancing the field of data science. Dr. Obozinski plays a key scientific role and in supervising the research team. With a dual role as Deputy Executive Director and mentoring the team of scientists, he embodies the link between management and scientific research at SDSC. The center is a key hub for encouraging the use of data science and machine learning techniques across a wide range of academic disciplines, public institutions, and the Swiss industrial sector.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Pavan Ramdya, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences (SV)
Pavan Ramdya studies neural activity in walking flies, and relating this activity to actual leg movements. He develops new instruments for the sophisticated simultaneous recording of neural activities and animal behaviour. In order to investigate how flies move and how they decide which actions to take, he combines neuroscience methods and approaches with robotics and engineering. His work has helped to address important questions in the field of neuroscience. He is a highly regarded researcher and colleague, and also a very popular lecturer.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Christian Theiler, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Christian Theiler works in the field of plasma physics, with a particular focus on investigating nuclear fusion and the behaviour of ultra-hot plasma. At EPFL he has already led several important experiments using the variable configuration tokamak (TCV) nuclear fusion reactor. He has also coordinated a number of international collaborative projects on the simulation of turbulent flows. Christian Theiler is a leading researcher in his field, and is also highly esteemed for his commitment to EPFL and for the quality of his teaching.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Dimitri Van De Ville, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Neuroscience in the School of Engineering (STI)
Dimitri Van De Ville is an internationally leading scientist in the fields of medical imaging, signal processing, neuroimaging of the brain and spinal cord, and functional connectivity. At EPFL, he leads the Medical Image Processing Laboratory (MIPLAB). He is strongly committed to high-quality teaching and leads the Neuro-X section. He is a Fellow of IEEE and EURASIP for his contributions to computational brain imaging. Through his activities, he contributes to strengthening EPFL’s innovative research in the field of neuroscience and medical image processing.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Yves Weinand, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Timber Construction in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)
Yves Weinand works at the intersection of engineering and architecture, in particular by developing raw wood as an engineering material for load-bearing structures, which can be recycled and connected exclusively using wood-wood connections. He heads the EPFL's Timber Construction Laboratory (IBOIS), as well as an interdisciplinary group of researchers from the fields of architecture, engineering, mathematics and computer science who are redefining the logistics of the construction sector. Yves Weinand is a highly effective acquirer of third-party funding, and is currently involved in the "Mainwood" project, which links the management of forest resources directly to their constructive and architectural application. In addition to his teaching activities, he owns an architectural practice in Lausanne.
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Professor Robert West, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Computer Science and Communication Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC)
Robert West carries out research into the structure and dynamics of social networks, the dissemination of information, and ethical considerations connected with data collection and analysis. His work makes use of large amounts of data, which he analyses with the help of methods drawn from natural language processing, machine learning and computational social science. Particular mention should be made of his great commitment to EPFL, including as co-founder of the Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD), an event which is held at EPFL each year and is the biggest of its kind in Europe.
© 2024 EPFL
Professor Matthieu Wyart, currently Associate Professor at EPFL, as Full Professor of Theoretical Physics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Matthieu Wyart’s research is concerned with disordered solids in the broadest sense, ranging from amorphous solids such as glass through to the theory of physics-informed machine learning. He is regarded as a very creative physicist and an influential theoretician in the field of soft matter and statistical physics, and is one of the leading researchers of his generation. His work has been awarded numerous prestigious prizes. Matthieu Wyart is also highly esteemed for his contribution to teaching and his ability to supervise large numbers of students working towards Master's degrees.
Award of the title of “Professor”
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Luca Pattaroni, currently Senior Scientist in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL (ENAC)
Luca Pattaroni is an urban sociologist renowned for his significant contributions to the study of cities and the social dynamics that drive them. His research focuses in particular on housing, migration, cultural and social movements and, more broadly, the evolution of lifestyles and the politics of urban hospitality. His transdisciplinary work, which touches on the social sciences, architecture, urban planning and engineering sciences, contributes to the development of new and sustainable approaches to urbanisation.
© 2024 EPFL
Dr Olivier Verscheure, currently Executive Director of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) at EPFL and ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor at EPFL
As Executive Director of the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC), a pioneering joint venture established in 2017 between ETH Zürich, EPFL and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Dr. Verscheure has demonstrated exceptional leadership, academic excellence and commitment to the advancement of the field of data science. SDSC has grown under Dr. Verscheure's leadership and currently employs over 110 people. It is a key hub for encouraging the use of data science and machine learning techniques across a wide range of academic disciplines, public institutions, and the Swiss industrial sector. SDSC catalyzes impactful collaborations in personalized health and medicine, environmental sciences, social sciences, digital humanities, and economics.