Ankit Gupta joins as a post-doctoral scientist

© 2023 EPFL
Dr Ankit Gupta has joined the GeoEnergy lab in January 2023 as a post-doctoral scientist and will work on developing a fully-coupled BEM/FEM framework to study fluid-driven shear rupture on pre-existing fractures.
We are excited to announce that Dr Ankit Cupta started as a post-doctoral scientist on the "EMOD"-project.
Ankit holds a bachelor's in civil engineering and a master's in aerospace structures from India. He recently finished his Ph.D. in mechanics in the Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modeling (LAMMM) with Prof. W. A. Curtin from EPFL in developing the lattice Green's function method for Atomistic /Continuum coupling problems.
In the GeoEnergy lab, he will work on developing a fully-coupled boundary element method (BEM) / finite element method (FEM) framework to study fluid-driven shear rupture on pre-existing fractures
EMOD project supported by Geo-Energie Suisse and the Swiss Federal office of Energy