Andras Kis: Electronic devices based on nanolayers
The excellence of the research performed at EPFL has once again been recognized at an international level. Andras Kis has received a STARTING GRANT 2009 from the European Research Council (ERC).
Electronic devices based on nanolayers
The main objective of this research proposal is to explore the electrical properties of nanoscale devices and circuits based on nanolayers. Nanolayers cover a wide span of possible electronic properties, ranging from semiconducting to superconducting. The possibility to form electrical circuits by varying their geometry offers rich research and practical opportunities. Together with graphene, nanolayers could form the material library for future nanoelectronics where different materials could be mixed and matched to different functionalities.
Max ERC funding: 1.8 million Euros
Duration: 60 months
Host institution: EPFL
Project acronym: FLATRONICS
Domain: Physical and Engineering Sciences