Ana Martins received the Students Award of the 35th EU PVSEC

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

A delegation of PV-lab members was at the 35th EU PVSEC in Bruxelles and came back with two awards emphasizing the outstanding work of the team. Ph.D. Student Ana Martins received the Students award for her work on lightweight, glass-free modules for building integrated photovoltaic. Additionally, Christophe Ballif, Mathieu Boccard, and Mathieu Despeiss received the best poster award for their work on Silicon heterojunction solar cells. 

At the 35th EU PVSEC conference, Ana C. Martins received a Student Award for her work on “Pre-Qualification of Glass-Free Lightweight Modules for Building Integrated Photovoltaics”. She showed the possibility to develop a glass-free rigid lightweight PV module with a weight of 6 kg/m2 using a standard PV manufacturing process compliant with the most demanding tests of international standards.

Additionally, EPFL/CSEM team received the best poster award for their work on silicon heterojunction solar cells: "From Wafers to Modules to Mass Production: Solving All Bottlenecks in Silicon Heterojunction Technology".They demonstrate how the processing and cost bottleneck can be overcome with recent technological advances and how the processing from n-type silicon wafers to fully metalized heterojunction solar cells is now compatible with industrial production. More detail on the related article.


J. Haschke; O. Dupré; M. Boccard; C. Ballif : Silicon heterojunction solar cells: Recent technological development and practical aspects - from lab to industry; Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018-08-08. DOI : 10.1016/j.solmat.2018.07.018