Ambrogio Fasoli will be the new Chair of EUROfusion

T. Donné, J. Paméla and A. Fasoli © Y. Martin / 2018 EPFL
Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli was recently elected as Chair of the General Assembly of EUROfusion, the European Consortium for the development of fusion energy.
One of the tasks of the meeting of the EUROfusion General Assembly, which was held at EPFL on Monday and Tuesday, was to elect its new Chair. Very quickly, the Assembly has designated Prof. A. Fasoli, to succeed to the present Chair, Dr. J.Pamela of France.
Professor Fasoli, of the Institute of Physics in the Basic Science Faculty, is the Director of the Swiss Plasma Center, and the head of the Swiss Research Unit that participates to EUROfusion, the European Consortium for fusion energy. He is presently member of such Assembly, and represents Switzerland in the Governing Board of Fusion for Energy, the European Agency responsible for the European part of the construction of the ITER project. He is also the Editor in Chief of the main publication in the field of fusion, the IAEA Nuclear Fusion, and chairs or participates to numerous committees and boards at EPFL, Swiss, European or worldwide level.
His nomination at the highest level in the fusion community in Europe constitutes not only an acknowledgment of his competence and commitment, but also a proof of the prominent role that EPFL and Switzerland play in this field.
The General Assembly is the highest decision body of EUROfusion, the European Consortium for the development of fusion energy. It manages and funds European fusion research activities on behalf of Euratom, and mandates the executive implementation of the R&D program to the Programme Manager (Prof. Tony Donné from the Netherlands) and his Programme Management Unit.
The EUROfusion Consortium operates in the frame of the 8th Framework Program, the so-called Horizon 2020, with the goal of following the European Roadmap for fusion, to develop fusion as an energy source that is abundant, sure, environmentally friendly and compatible with sustainable development.