Amanda Prorok wins the 2014 ABB Award

© 2014 EPFL
03.10.2014 - 2014 ABB PhD Award: Two DISAL PhD theses have been nominated for the 2014 ABB Award, Amanda Prorok is the winner of the 2014 edition.
Amanda Prorok’s and Sven Adrian Gowal’s theses were both nominated for the 2014 ABB award (about 10% of the 350 annual PhD theses of EPFL get nominated for the 6-8 available awards; 12 theses were specifically nominated for the 2014 ABB award). Amanda Prorok wins this prestigious prize for her pioneering algorithmic and modeling contributions to the field of indoor localization based on ultra-wideband technology augmented with relative positioning systems as well as for her original multi-robot validation approach. Additional details can be found here.