Aleksander Madry receives Best Paper award at FOCS 2013
Aleksander Madry received Best Paper award at FOCS 2013 for his work on the maximum flow problem. The algorithm presented in the paper constitutes the first improvement over bounds that have been standing for 40 years.
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) is one of the two flagship conferences in the field of theoretical computer science. In the awarded paper, Prof. Madry develops a way of employing electrical flows - the concept known from high school physics - to solve the maximum flow problem, a problem of fundamental importance in network analysis, scheduling, and logistics.
Prof. Madry heads the Theory of Computation Laboratory 1 (THL1). Before joining EPFL, he completed his PhD at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT EECS) and spent a year at Microsoft Research, New England. His research is centered around algorithmic graph theory, with particular focus on approaching fundamental graph problems with linear algebraic and spectral techniques.