Adrian Ionescu wins ERC Proof of Concept Grant

© 2020 EPFL
Professor at the School of Engineering, Adrian Ionescu was awarded the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant to develop integrated 2D supercapacitors
Adrian Ionescu, head of Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory received a grant for his project entitled “N-Supercap” exploiting negative capacitance in integrated 2D stacks to provide solutions for future on-chip energy storage. This grant of 150 000 euros, spread over 18 months, encourages scientists who want to explore the commercial or societal potential of their work.
The Proof of Concept grants are given annually by the European Research Council (ERC) to researchers who already hold other ERC grants, in a range of research fields “from new health therapies to regenerate nerves, to prototyping soft robotic system for industrial handling, to building a charity that will promote welfare and job quality of digital workers of so-called ‘gig economy.”Set up in 2011, the Proof of Concept grants can be used for different purposes, including establishing intellectual property rights, investigating business opportunities, or conducting technical validation.