ACCES award for the Interactive Sketchmap Visualizer

Sandip presents the ISV © 2018 EPFL

Sandip presents the ISV © 2018 EPFL

The Interactive Sketchmap Visualizer website won the ACCES prize in the cathegory "interactive visualization". The lead developer Sandip De, from the Laboratory of Computational Science and Modelling, demonstrated the main features at the award ceremony.

Atomic scale modelling generate increasingly complex outputs, often taking the form of databases containing tens of thousands of compounds or of structural arrangements of molecules. The interactive sketch-map visualizer website ( demonstrate the usage of unsupervised machine learning techniques to obtain insightful representations of such databases.

The interface, that also exist as a stand-alone easily extendable package available on a github repository, has been awarded the first prize in the category "interactive visualization" in the ACCES visualization contest. Dr. Sandip De, from the Laboratory of Computational Science and Modelling, demonstrated the main features of the tool at the award ceremony.