A paper on Nanowire Systems published in the Royal Society journal

© 2014 EPFL

© 2014 EPFL

Nanowire systems: technology and design, a paper conducted by the researchers from the Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI), headed by Prof. Giovanni De Micheli, has been published in the Royal Society journal, Philosophical Transactions A, which focuses on cutting-edge topics across the physical sciences. The journal is essential reading for mathematicians, physicists, engineers and other physical scientists.

Researchers from the Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI) develop advanced silicon technologies that can help pushing the performances of electronics systems. Currently, their focus is on the development of super scaled transistor technologies in accordance with Moore's law which says that the number of transistors that can be integrated on a chip doubles every 18 months. The scaling race leads today to significant hurdles for power consumption.
The researchers consider Moore's Law with another vision. They increase the functionality of the device for a given area instead of keeping the same functionality and reducing its size. This way, they developed a promising vertically stacked silicon nanowire technology with double-gate control. The abstracted device behavior is now a comparator (and no more an inverter like with traditional technologies), and this leads to a large set of exciting opportunities at the design level.
Read here to learn more about the nanosystems.

Luca Gaetano Amarù is a research assistant and a PhD student currently working on Electronic Design Automation for Emerging Technologies and Applications.

Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon is a research associate with his research activities and interests currently focused on emerging nanoscale devices for digital circuits and systems.

Michele De Marchi is a PhD student interested in post-CMOS nanoelectronic devices, device-circuit co-optimization and novel circuit architectures.

Davide Sacchetto is a postdoctoral researcher interested in the fabrication of advanced microelectronics devices with a current focus on resistive memories.