A new Master's degree to meet the challenges of urban transition

© 2024 EPFL - ENAC / NASA

© 2024 EPFL - ENAC / NASA

From the start of the 2025 academic year, a Master's degree in Urban Systems will enable ENAC students to become specialists in adapting cities and surrounding areas to climate change.

Mobility, governance, municipal sustainability agendas, public health, data management... In light of climate change, Switzerland needs to equip itself with experts in urban management in the most comprehensive sense. In collaboration with the world of practice, the School of Architecture, Civil, and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) has developed a new master's degree in urban systems.

Scheduled to start in the fall semester of 2025, it will offer graduates of ENAC's three bachelor's programs the opportunity to specialize in the sustainable transition of cities and surrounding territories. Students from civil and environmental engineering are directly admitted; and since the new Master’s program will require a good foundation in mathematics and programming, architecture students are expected to demonstrate a solid knowledge base in these areas. The Master’s program is also open to applicants from other related disciplines upon submission of an application.

By acquiring skills in urban design and project management, as well as economic, sociological and legal expertise, graduates will become trusted resources to companies and public administrations in managing the challenges of sustainable transition. The program has three specializations: Mobility and transportation in a changing climate, Sustainable transitions in urban systems, and Health and well-being in the urban environment.

At the end of the Master's program, students are awarded an EPFL Master of Science MSc in Urban Systems. This diploma entitles them to hold the distinction of EPF qualified engineer.

Detailed presentation of the Master's degree in Urban Systems