A 4-year national agreement with publisher Elsevier

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In the frame of the Swiss national strategy on Open Access, the first transformative agreement Read & Publish with the publisher Elsevier has been nationally negotiated by swissuniversities and signed by Swiss institutions for 4 years (2020-2023). EPFL affiliated authors can now publish in Open Access at no cost in more than 2,000 hybrid and fully Gold Open Access journals. EPFL community will have an unlimited access to Elsevier articles.

The agreement is valid only for articles submitted after January 1, 2020.

For the authors, a workflow has been put in place by the publisher: once the publication is accepted, the corresponding author is notified that this can be published in Gold Open Access in the frame of the Read and Publish Agreement. Corresponding author has to specify his/her affiliation and research funding and is asked to choose a Creative Commons license for the dissemination of the article (CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND). The EPFL Library checks the eligibility of the author.

For the three first years (2020, 2021, and 2022), the number of Gold Open Access articles taken in charge is restricted at a national level (2850, 3000, and 3150 publications, respectively). If in any year the maximum number of articles included in the agreement is exceeded, or if the eligibility of the authors has not been validated by EPFL, the publishing invoice will be directly sent to authors (in the case of hybrid Open Access, the decision can be reverted). From 2023, the number of Open Access publications included in the agreement will be unlimited.

Cell Press titles and the Lancet are not included in the Open Access publishing agreement, but are included in the subscription agreement with Elsevier and are fully accessible online. 

For more information, please contact the Library Publish Support team at [email protected].