2023 SNSF Ambizione grantees hosted at SB

Drs M. Dolce, L. Galeati, M. Micari and F. Seibold
The recipients of the 17th SNSF Ambizione Call (2023) have been chosen; eleven grantees will work at EPFL, with four of them at the School of Basic Sciences:
Drs Michele Dolce and Lucio Galeati will conduct their research at the Institute of Mathematics, Dr. Marina Micari will be hosted by the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering and Dr. Fiona Seibold will start her research at the Institute of Physics.
The Ambizione funding scheme is meant to support independent projects for non-professorial academic positions at Swiss higher education institutions.
This year's Ambizione grant will fund the research of the following scientists to work at the School of Basic Sciences:
Michele Dolce, for the project "Long-time behavior of PDEs in Fluid Dynamics and Kinetic Theories" in Mathematics, starting on September 2024,
Lucio Galeati, for the project "Rough Flows, Stochasticity and Fluids" in Mathematics, starting on September 2024,
Marina Micari, for the project "An adaptive multi-objective framework for tailoring carbon capture technologies" in Chemical Engineering, starting on September 2024, and
Fiona Seibold, presently at the Department of Physics of the Imperial College, London, will work at the Institute of Physics on the project "Effective strings, membranes, and their solvability" in Theoretical Physics, starting on May 2025.