EPFL in the Depths of London's Robot Jungle
Published:29.11.13 — Robotic cheetah cubs and salamanders have ventured from Lausanne into the depths of London's robot jungle, at the Science Museum, in a Robot Safari that just opened and runs until Sunday.
Peering into the future: How cities grow
Published:27.11.13 — How cities will grow in the future depends on fundamental laws, which have been uncovered by EPFL researchers.
Paleoclimatology – revisiting a tiny prehistoric witness
Published:25.11.13 — New insights into the growth dynamics of minuscule marine organisms could help put the study of Earth’s climate, both present and prehistoric, on a more solid footing.
Copper intake makes tumors breathe
Published:22.11.13 — EPFL researchers have shown that copper is essential for the energy production of malignant cells, and that reducing its intake via food and water can slow down tumor growth.
The Campus Opens Its Hub for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Published:20.11.13 — The Forge, located in EPFL’s Innovation Park, provides aspiring entrepreneurs an office to develop their startup as well as a location for networking and advice.
Graphene nanoribbons for “reading” DNA
Published:18.11.13 — One of the methods used for examining the molecules in a liquid consists in passing the fluid through a nano-sized hole so as to detect their passage. EPFL researchers have found a way to improve this technique by using a material with unique properties: graphene.
Anthrax bacteria play hide and seek
Published:15.11.13 — An anthrax infection can be fatal even when the infectious agent is no longer detected. Research carried out at EPFL reveals the way its lethal factor manages to turn invisible to the immune system.
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