Yitao Xu passed his candidacy exam

EPFL student Yitao Xu defending his EDIC candidacy exam © 2024 EPFL
Yitao Xu passed his candidacy exam entitled "Interaction Learning with Neural Cellular Automata" .
Yitao Xu is a PhD student in EDIC at EPFL since September 2023. Before starting his PhD, he earned his Master degree in Machine Learning from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. During his Master studies, he also was an exchange student at EPFL. Yitao completed his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology at Beihang University (BUAA).
Yitao Xu's research focuses on Neural Cellular Automata (NCA). Along with Ehsan Pajouheshgar, Yitao's work on NCA was accepted in CVPR 2023, SIGGRAPH 2024 and ALife 2024. In addition to NCA, Yitao is interested into bio-inspired models and the differences between human and machine cognition.
The IVRL lab welcomes Yitao into the team and wishes him good luck in his research.