“Women make a huge difference in the world of industry!“

Laure Bressoud-Deslarzes © 2024 EPFL
EPFL Alumna Laure Bressoud-Deslarzes is now Procurement Category & Waste Manager at Bachem in Vionnaz, a pharmaceutical company, where she is responsible for the purchasing of raw materials and the management of chemical waste.
In honor of our 20th anniversary, the College of Management of Technology has initiated a tribute by connecting with our Alumni across our various educational programs to discover and learn about their professional journeys. Today, we’re presenting Laure Bressoud-Deslarzes, whose motto is “Never stop learning!”. After having obtained her Master in Chemical and Biochemical engineering at EPFL in 2010, she came back in 2023 to follow the executive programs in Sustainable Resilient Value Chains (CAS in Value Chain Data Technologies in 2023, CAS in Circular Value Networks and CAS in Resilient Value Chain Management in 2024). She plans to follow the final CAS in the program suite, "Leading the Sustainability Transition" in 2025.
The video series “Where are they know” showcase the career paths, memories about EPFL and global achievements of the Alumni from our College, as well as from the School of Computer and Communication Sciences and the School of Life Sciences.