WEB: memento enhancements (virtual room link, 'sold out' button...)

Young student watching lesson online © Jovanmandic - Istock
Some evolutions on the memento application: link to virtual room, possibility to indicate that an event is full, lower requirements for image size, simplification of categories...
Virtual room
It seems far away now, the time when all conferences were held in real spaces. This is why, on the memento announcements, it is now possible to add a link to a virtual room in addition to the link to a physical room.
When you announce an event on the memento, a new field is available to insert a link to your usual virtual meeting tool (Zoom, Meet or other). Please do not use the field for the link to a physical room.
On your Wordpress page or directly on memento.epfl.ch, both informations will be displayed.
Report that an event is fully booked
When an event requires registration and the number of places is limited, it could be important to indicate that the gauge has been reached. In order to display a mention 'sold out' on the image, you have to edit your announcement ('my mementos' menu > 'modify event announcements...') then choose the 'sold out' button.
Dimension of the image
Following numerous remarks from webmasters, we have lowered the minimum dimensions of the image.
From now on, an image of 720 x 405 pixels (see template) is sufficient.
Simplification of categories
Categories are common to every memento channels and designate event types (not target audiences). Some were almost never used. It was opportune then to gather everything related to culture and festivals in a single category 'Cultural events'.
Address of your memento channel
Each memento channel has a specific address (e.g. memento.epfl.ch/sb for the SB faculty). From now on, all upcoming events are displayed when you use this url. In the Wordpress block 'Memento', the link ''Complete calendar of events'' refers to this page.
Subscription management
It is possible to receive by mail a daily, weekly or monthly summary of upcoming events, by memento channel and by category. The improvement of the subscription interfaces is in progress.