Use the Back Soon Pass during revision period



It's revision period! Use the Back Soon Pass to book your seat at EPFL Library up to 45 minutes.

Need a break when working at the Library? Book your seat up to 45 minutes by writing down your leaving time on the Back Soon Pass. Place it then on the desk. Please take your valuables with you.

After 45 minutes, the Library staff or students are allowed to move your belongings to the helpdesk located in the Sciences et Techniques area. If you plan to stay away for more than 45 minutes, please take your belongings with you and free up the seat. You can also leave your belongings in the lockers located in the basement of the Rolex Learning Center.

The Back Soon Pass only allows you to secure your own seat when you are away. Reservation of seats for others is not permitted!

Author: Frank Milfort

Source: Library