Two IPHYS polymechanic apprentices win FRAISA awards

Anthonin Gavillet (left) and Julien Verdet © 2024 IPHYS
Mr. Anthonin Gavillet and Mr. Julien Verdet, both polymechanic apprentices in the IPHYS mechanical workshop, have won prizes in the Fraisa ToolChampions 2023/2024 competition.
The polymechanic apprentices being trained in the IPHYS mechanical workshop have once again shone at the Fraisa ToolChampions 2023/2024 competition. This annual competition attracts the best apprentices in the high-precision metal processing industry from all over Switzerland. The aim for the competitors is to produce a flawless part within a given timeframe, following a given diagram, using milling, drilling, and thread cutting techniques, with either conventional or CNC (computer numerically controlled) machining.
Once again this year, two polymechanic apprentices from the IPHYS mechanical workshop, Mr Anthonin Gavillet, 1st year polymechanic apprentice, and Mr Julien Verdet, 2nd year polymechanic apprentice, stood out from the thousand or so competitors:
- Mr. Anthonin Gavillet - Conventional competition, 3rd place at the Romand level.
- Mr. Julien Verdet - CNC competition, 3rd place in the Swiss final and 1st place at the Romand level. Last year, he won the same awards in the conventional competition.
In addition, Mr Julien Verdet obtained the 2nd best practical markin CNC machining during his 2nd year intermediate exams, being the only person in the canton of Vaud to do an exam entirely in CNC, which is an absolutely remarkable result.
We warmly congratulate our two apprentices, as well as their trainer, Mr Jean-David Perriard, on their great performances so far and we wish them both every success as they pursue their apprenticeships and careers.