Thermal behavior of porous asphalt in winter conditions

© 2012 EPFL

© 2012 EPFL

Porous asphalts are road surface materials that are up to 22% void, which have the advantage of absorbing traffic noise and controlling surface runoff.

The Federal Roads Agency does not recommend their use on bridges, due to thermal characteristics that influence winter maintenance. The traffic facilities laboratory (LAVOC) was commissioned to evaluate the risk potential of using porous materials on bridges. Test sections were instrumented on the A5 and the A9 motorways to collect pertinent data on thermal behavior of different structural configurations. A finite element heat transfer model was developed to assess structures for which measurements were not available, as well to simulate extreme weather conditions. The model was calibrated with field data. Analysis of measurements and simulation results demonstrates that using porous asphalt on bridge sections does not increase operational risk compared to conventional materials, provided an adapted winter maintenance program is implemented.

M. Rodriguez A.-G. Dumont
Applicabilité de l'enrobé drainant sur les ouvrages d'art du réseau des routes nationales, 2008. Mandat de recherche n° AGB2004/002, Office fédéral des routes