Swiss National Science Foundation: a new incentive for Open Access

© 2013 EPFL

© 2013 EPFL

The Swiss National Science Foundation has recently introduced a new measure to encourage researchers to publish directly into fully Open Access journals

Since 2007, researchers receiving SNSF funding were obliged to deposit their publications in an open access archive (green road).

So far, however, the costs of publication remained the responsibility of the author or his institution, which, according to SNSF guidelines, were not allowed to draw in funds exclusively for research and not for publication.

This situation has now changed. The SNSF has recently introduced a new measure to encourage researchers to publish directly into fully Open Access journals ("gold road") of "recognized scientific quality."

And since 1 October 2013 "researchers can deduct the costs of publication [up to a maximum of CHF 3,000 francs] on their project budget." According to the journals, these costs may vary from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

« The SNSF enables financing via project budget », Swiss National Science Foundation, 26.08.2013. [Consulted on 22.10.2013]
« Open Access », in Dossiers, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2013. [Consulted on 22.10.2013]

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