Summer Entrepreneurship Camps // Design. Invent. Pitch.

© 2017 Ginger entrepreneurship camps

© 2017 Ginger entrepreneurship camps

Summer Entrepreneurship Camps (15-19 years old) Design. Invent. Pitch.
EPFL - Lausanne, August 14-18, 2017

L'EPFL soutient Ginger, une organisation a but non lucratif basée en Suisse (affiliée à BizSmart Global, leader dans le domaine, fondée en 2007 à Santa Clara CA USA) qui met sur pied des camps passionnants en entrepreneuriat en lien avec la technologie.
Le camp proposé à l'EPFL s'adresse à des jeunes de 15 à 19 ans. Il se fera en anglais - les connaissances scolaires sont suffisantes et certains coaches seront bilingues -. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !

How do you create a cool product in the digital age? How do you find what users want, do a great marketing and sell it for the right price? Students learn in a fun and pragmatic way how entrepreneurs innovate, converting their ideas into consumer products, apps or services others love. Design. Invent. Pitch.

By redesigning the same product, teams of students will build their own solutions, together with a simple sales, marketing and financial plan. Teams compete at the end of the week to earn a special prize.

Students will get inspiration from companies like the GoPro camera, Linden Lab Virtual Reality project Tesla’s electric cars and others. They will discover consumer needs, design, develop prototypes and research competitors. They will also experience team building, collaboration, conflict resolution, decision making, business ethics and presentation skills.

EPFL - Lausanne, August 14-18, 2017, 9h00-17h00

Language: English – what you learned in your Swiss school is sufficient! Bilingual coaches will support students.

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