Subscribe to the EPFL Press Review!

© 2011 EPFL

© 2011 EPFL

 Would you like to be kept informed about what is written about EPFL in the media? Then subscribe to the Press Review, so that each day you receive up-to-date news about our activities in your mailbox.

 Hardly a day passes without EPFL being mentioned in the media, or as the subject of numerous articles in the press, on radio, or in a television interview.

Monday to Friday, the Mediacom journalists put together a selection of the most compelling articles concerning one topic or another. They review the press cuttings supplied by the company Argus, browse the newspapers, and make note of information provided by scientists at EPFL. These activities enable them to write summaries of the day’s most important topics, to which are attached press cuttings where EPFL is cited. Of course, it’s impossible to be all-encompassing and to take into account all published topics. However, the selection always gives a good overview.

When subscribing to the Press Review, you have the possibility of being informed in a few minutes thanks to the summary and, if desired, of finding out more about the topic by reading the unabridged article. Note that the Press Review is reserved exclusively for members of EPFL. It is forbidden to use the content of press cuttings without prior authorization – for copyright reasons.

Subscription to EPFL Press Review (reserved for students and EPFL personnel only)