"Space and Us, Today and Tomorrow"

"Space and Us, Today and Tomorrow", the book containing the results of SpaceWatch 2010.

In 2010, SpaceWatch was directed in the broader context of the Swiss Spatial Sciences Framework (S3F). S3F has been created to respond to a request from the ETH Board. It contains representatives of ETH Zurich as well as from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).

EPFL contributed to the framework through INTER’s financial support to the project. The 2010 workshop took place on February 8, 9 and 10 2010 at the EPFL, and hosted a public debate, involving the participation of numerous planning and development practitioners and researchers.

"Space and Us, Today and Tomorrow", the book containing the results of SpaceWatch 2010, is available on demand in both printed and electronic versions PDF (5.6 Mb).