SCITAS activities, October 2015

© 2015 EPFL

© 2015 EPFL

The Scientific IT and Application Support Center has a rich set of activities ready for October 2015: new regular training courses have been created and invited lecturers will give workshops on several topics around HPC. Moreover, we are organizing the SCITAS Users' meeting. For more information, visit our web page!

Until October 16th: CSCS Proposal Submission Help

SCITAS staff can help you write a proposal for CPU time at CSCS. In order to get a meeting, please send a message to [email protected] with the following subject: HPC proposal for running on the CSCS facilities.

October 1st, 10:15 - Dr Jaime E. Combariza: Challenging Opportunities in Big Data Storage

Cutting edge technologies in the social, scientific and medical domains have generated large amounts of data, which resulted in a proliferation of
challenging opportunities like scalability, connectivity, performance (storage and analysis), availability, security, management and cost, to
list the most common. In this talk I will describe experiences with data management, building file systems, storage and back ups related to large amounts of data.

More information and registration

October 1st, 15:15 - Dr Diego Kuonen: A Statistician's 'Big Tent' View on Big Data and Data Science

There is no question that big data have hit the business, government and scientific sectors. The demand for skills in data science is unprecedented in sectors where value, competitiveness and efficiency are driven by data. However, there is plenty of misleading hype around the terms 'big data' and 'data science'. This presentation gives a professional statistician's 'big tent' view on these terms, illustrates the connection between data science and statistics, and highlights some challenges and opportunities from a statistical perspective.

More information and registration

October 2nd, 10:15 - Dr Jaime E. Combariza: Best Practices for Managing "Sensitive” Data

Many research computing groups are being charged with providing computational resources for data that contains electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) and must follow rules and regulations intended to safeguard the information. We will discuss some strategies and best practices that are being developed to appropriately protect and manage ePHI data.

More information and registration

October 8th and 9th - LaTeX training workshop

During this course, you will learn how to create documents such as: letters, articles with bibliographies (zotero), slides and posters. Furthermore you will learn how to draw graphics using TikZ.


October 9th, 10:15 - Dr Diego Rossinelli: The productivity gap in HPC

The rapid development of novel HPC software represents a formidable challenge at the present time.
Since computing hardware is evolving at a faster-than-ever pace, the timely software development for these platforms requires exceptionally high productivity. Developers are often exposed to high-risks design decisions that might irreversibly compromise the software performance on the target platform.
In this talk we discuss an approach that attempts to address these issues while identifying its associated costs.

More information and registration

October 13th, 13:30 - Using the general purpose computing clusters at EPFL

Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science and nowadays, for each scientific discipline X, we often find computational X.
The first supercomputers were composed of only a few processors but in the 1990s the standard supercomputer grew to have thousands of processors.
The Scientific IT and Support Center manages a variety of computing clusters totaling thousands of compute cores. In order to exploit these machines at their fullest this course will teach users how to submit jobs to the clusters.

Description and registration

October 15th, 13:30 - Data Management on HPC Platforms, transferring data and handling code with GIT

Simulation data are very varied in size and in nature and for each data type there is an optimal transfer and storage method.
source files - input files - output - big data
In this workshop the students will learn how to handle their data when using remote machines for computations.

Description and registration

October 20th, 9:30 - SCITAS Users meeting

SCITAS staff welcomes users to a meeting, We are preparing several presentations to showcast our services. A Q&A session will follow. Coffee will be served.


October 23rd - Data Analysis with R

R is a statistical package distributed under a free license (anyone can use it, copy it and redistribute it freely). Since it was created, in 1993, it has become a fully-featured system for doing data analysis, and has become the tool of choice in many disciplines, starting with the life sciences. During this course, you will learn how to use R programming language in order to perform statistical data analysis. We will discuss how to import data, how to produce basic graphics, how to manipulate data and how to apply the most common statistical procedures to this data.

Description and registration

October 28th and 29th - Scientific Python

SciPy is a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. In this workshop, you will learn how to use NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib. The course is given by an active developer of scientific libraries in Python.
