Our warm congratulations to Hilal Lashuel...

© 2011 Alain Herzog

© 2011 Alain Herzog

...who has been promoted to Associate Professor for Life Sciences at the School of Life Sciences (SV).He is among the four professors recently appointed by the ETH Board.

Hilal Lashuel is leading an innovative research program based on multidisciplinary approaches to molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases. The impact of the results he has so far obtained on the formation of amyloids has been highly significant and has strongly influenced research in this domain of science. On arriving at EPFL, he became involved without delay in the teaching of Bachelor-Master students in the frame of the Life Sciences and Technologies Teaching Section.
Most of Hilal Lashuel’s research work is financed by subsidies from outside EPFL, among which are the highly prestigious Human Frontiers Science Program Young Investigator Award and the ERC-Starting Young Investigator Award