One of the PERL Prizes to Dr Tej Tadi

© 2011 EPFL

© 2011 EPFL

Tej Tadi, young researcher member of the group of Prof. Olaf Blanke, just finalized his thesis work in Neuroscience (his public defense is on April 13, 2011) and was already awarded one of the "Lausanne entrepreneurship Region" PERL Prize for his start-up "MindMaze"...

"MindMaze" combines state of the art virtual reality and neuroimaging techniques into a portable, easy to use system for motor rehabilitation post stroke. The solution provides customized programs catered to the patients ' status and enables independent practice making it conducive for home based rehabilitation. Objective monitoring of their performance and needs remotely by clinical personnel will facilitate quicker recovery times.

EN text: Mr Tej Tadi

Photos: Mr Philippe Jung, Yverdon-les-Bains