Nomination of a new EPFL professor in the College of Humanities

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of twelve professors at EPFL, including a new Professor in the Digital Humanities Institute (College of Humanities).

Dr Jérôme Baudry was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of the History of Science and Technology in the College of Humanities (CDH)
Jérôme Baudry specialises in the history of intellectual property, especially patents. The main focus of his research is on the history and sociology of technology. He is also interested in social aspects and technologies for distributed computing and crowdsourcing. At EPFL, Jérôme Baudry’s work will focus on topics including how the distinction between invention and discovery emerged in the 20th century. This is very important for understanding innovation – and thus for one of the three missions of EPFL.