New publication on IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

Schematic of a linear interconnected multi-agent system © M. S. Turan 2021 EPFL

Schematic of a linear interconnected multi-agent system © M. S. Turan 2021 EPFL

Our paper "On Consensusability of Linear Interconnected Multi-Agent Systems and Simultaneous Stabilization" has been published on IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS). The online version of the paper can be found here.

Our work relates to the study of consensusability in linear multi-agent systems, whose agents have coupled dynamics. Consensusability, as a binary property, means that there exist controllers achieving consensus. We show that it is related to the simultaneous stabilizability of a group of LTI systems, for which we present a sufficient condition in terms of a linear program. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the consensusability of linear interconnected multi-agent systems. Our results reveal connections between consensusability, agent dynamics, as well as the properties of physical and cyber graphs.