New project: T&DFLEX

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

At the recent call of SFOE Grid program, 7 out of 9 approved projects were from SCCER-FURIES partners. This summer series of news will be dedicated to the short description of these projects.

DFLEXTSO-DSO Flexibility: towards integrated grid control and coordination in Switzerland
Project partner: FEN @ ETHZ Zürich (T. Demiray), Swissgrid, ewz, Repower
Project duration: 01.07.2018–30.06.2021
SFOE Funding: CHF 120’000
Description: The expected shift toward distributed and renewable electricity supply poses challenges to both the transmission system operator(TSO) and distributed system operators (DSOs); however, it also encourages exploitation of less utilized coordination synergies to achieve mutual benefits. This project will assess the potential of benefits achieved through various levels of coordination between the TSO and DSOs in Switzerland. Multiple network and system benefits will be investigated including: congestion management within the TSO and DSO networks as well as at their interface, voltage support schemes provided between network layers, and offering the flexibility of assets within the DSO network as an ancillary service resource. By partnering with local utilities in Switzerland, this project will examine the achievable benefits of a stronger TSO-DSO interaction in Switzerland. With the application and extension of specialized software tools, we plan to develop a roadmap for achieving an integrated TSO-DSO operation and control infrastructure.


SFOE Grid Programme