New project: ACSICON

© 2018 EPFL

© 2018 EPFL

At the recent call of SFOE Grid program, 7 out of 9 approved projects were from SCCER-FURIES partners. This summer series of news will be dedicated to the short description of these projects.

Novel Analysis and Control Solutions for Dynamic Security Issues in the future ENTSO-E network with high Converter-Based Generation

Project partner: FEN @ ETHZ Zürich (T. Demiray), ABB Research (M. Larsson)

Project duration: 01.07.2018–31.12.2020

SFOE funding: CHF 300’000

Description: This project addresses dynamic power system security issues related to reduced inertia and damping capabilities of the futureENTSO-E grid with a high share of generation connected through power electronic converters, e.g. photovoltaic energy and wind. We investigate the use of new distributed converter control approaches, aggregated from distribution grids and complemented by damping control of conventional generators, FACTS or HVDC. Combining a high-performance simulation tool with a dynamic analysis tool for components, the project iteratively assesses and optimizes a detailed ENTSO-E grid model under scenarios with reduced conventional generation. Novel converter-based control approaches such as virtual synchronous machines are extended to ensure their practicality regarding implementation and the aggregated system impact. Based on current expectations, a roadmap is established how Switzerland can best accompany the dynamic European energy transition. The new integrated software tool allows a continuous re-evaluation of the situation under alternative technical, strategic or political assumptions.


SFOE Grid Programme