JOM 2024: Create your own educational video!

4 élèves découvrent les studios d'enregistrement au CEDE - 2024 ©EXAF/EPFL
In a world full of opportunities, young people are often the driving force behind innovation. The Journée Osez les Métiers initiative embodies this belief by encouraging young people's curiosity and deconstructing professional stereotypes, to build a more diverse and inclusive future.
Discovering a variety of subjects:
At the heart of this initiative is the diversity of themes chosen by the young participants. Eight pupils from 7P were welcomed to the EXAF centre for the day. Each child explored a subject close to their heart. This personalised approach strengthens their commitment and stimulates unique perspectives on the chosen subject.
Preparation and scriptwriting phase:
The pre-production phase enabled the children to develop educational scenarios by structuring their ideas into different scenes. The aim was to create a fluid narrative integrating visuals, participant videos and text to ensure a complete learning experience. This stage laid the foundations for the project and prepared the young people for production.
Digital education production:
Once the scripts were finalised, the young people moved to the Center for Digital Education's recording studio. There, they transformed their ideas into online videos, using modern tools such as interactive tablets and teleprompters. The use of green screen brought their stories to life, illustrating their creative vision.
The impact of ‘Journée Osez les Métiers’:
This initiative encourages children to consider careers that are free of gender stereotypes. By familiarising them with digital tools and e-learning, Journée Osez les Métiers gives them the keys to succeed in a constantly changing professional world, while promoting equality and inclusion.