Jian's work has been published in Chemistry of Materials!

© 2021 EPFL

© 2021 EPFL

His novel work on the mechanistic study on thermally induced lattice stiffening of ZIF‑8 has been in Chemistry of Materials!

The flexibility of the ZIF-8 aperture, which inhibits a molecular cutoff of 3.4 Å, can be reduced by rapid heat treatment to obtain CO2-selective membranes. Herein, using ex situ and in situ experiments, we determine that a small shrinkage of the unit-cell parameter, ∼0.2%, is mainly responsible for this transformation. We show that this condition is uniquely achieved in a short time by exposure of ZIF-8 to a mildly humid environment where lattice parameter shrinkage is accelerated by the incorporation of linker vacancy defects, while the shrinkage in grain size is limited.