Inaugural Lecture for Masterclass « Freunde im Licht » in Berlin

@ 2022 we-ef Leuchten, Berlin

@ 2022 we-ef Leuchten, Berlin

Prof. Marilyne Andersen gave the inaugural lecture entitled Daylightful Dynamics for the Masterclass organized by we-ef Leuchten on May 12th, 2022 in Berlin, Germany

The we-ef Leuchten is a very well implanted manufacturer of public lighting systems in Germany. They realize important lighting installation, like the one at Metro Station (U-Bahn) "Museuminsel" in Berlin. Marilyne Andersen's lecture was focused on the multiple dimensions of good (day)lighting design and its strong influence on human well-being. Addressed to professionals from the lighting industry and lighting design sectors, but also to practitioners and researchers from the broader design and architectural fields, the Masterclass is meant as the first of a series of three Masterclasses given by Prof. Andersen, that will be taking place also in London and Paris in the coming months.