Finalist EPFL doctorate Award 2007 - Tristan Colomb

© 2007 EPFL

© 2007 EPFL

Tristan Colomb's scientific work is (according to the opinion of the jury) ranking among the best 3 % PhD theses awarded by EPFL in 2006. Thesis EPFL, no 3455 (2006). Dir.: René-Paul Salathé.

Numerical aberrations compensation and polarization imaging in digital holographic microscopy.

In this thesis, we describe a method for the numerical reconstruction of the complete wavefront properties from a single digital hologram: the amplitude, the phase and the polarization state. For this purpose, we present the principle of digital holographic microscopy (DHM) and the numerical reconstruction process which consists of propagating numerically a wavefront from the hologram plane to the reconstruction plane. We then define the different parameters of a Numerical Parametric Lens (NPL) introduced in the reconstruction plane that should be precisely adjusted to achieve a correct reconstruction. We demonstrate that automatic procedures not only allow to adjust these parameters, but in addition, to completely compensate for the phase aberrations.