EPFL-Stanford Exchange Program, funded by Firmenich

© 2019 EPFL, Stanford

© 2019 EPFL, Stanford

Since 2015, Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned company in the fragrance and flavor business, has generously been funding an exchange program for researchers between EPFL and Stanford University. The company is renowned for its world-class research and creativity, as well as its thought leadership in sustainability.

The EPFL-Stanford Exchange Program seeks to foster long-term collaborations between researchers of the two institutions in a variety of life science fields, with a particular emphasis on chemical biology and neuroscience. To facilitate the program, EPFL has partnered with two of Stanford new interdisciplinary bioscience institutes: Stanford ChEM-H (Chemistry, Engineering & Medicine for Human Health) and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute. Stanford ChEM-H brings together chemists, engineers, biologist and clinicians to foster interdisciplinary research that deeply probes the molecules of life and explores practical solutions to the most complex issues in human health by exploiting the interactions of these molecules. The Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute aims to understand how the brain gives rise to mental life and behavior, both in health and in disease. Together, these two institutes provide complementary expertise and cross-institute opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

This three-month exchange program is aimed at EPFL and Stanford researchers at any stage of their career (PhD students, postdocs and faculty). The selected candidates will receive a grant of up to CHF 11’000 which can be used to cover costs associated with the short-term exchange, namely, travel and lodging costs and (for PhD students only) university fees.

The deadline for the 2019 call for proposals (opened on 15 October 2019) is 15 November 2019.

Apply now and get the opportunity to conduct research in the exiting environment of Stanford University and to interact and share your experience with its renowned researchers.

For more details, please visit the EPFL-Stanford Exchange Program webpage on Stanford ChEM-H and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute and consult the EPFL instructions .

For additional questions, please contact the Research Office.